Reading list

Here’s a list of books I’ve picked up and will recommend. For more details on my reading journey, follow me on goodreads. You can also buy me a book

[ 2022 ]

So good they can't ignore you - Cal Newport

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Genres: Nonfiction, Self Help, Business

The Psychology of Money - Housel Morgan

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Genres: Nonfiction, Economics, Finance, Psychology

Dune - Frank Herbert

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Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy

21 lessons for the 21st century - Yuval Noah Harari

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Genres: Nonfiction, History, Philosophy

Atomic Habits - James Clear

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Genres: Nonfiction, psychology

The book explores the science of habits. How to start good habits and lose bad ones. The author described how habits are formed through systems we create to change our behaviors. Rather than simply setting goals, having systems will lead us to our goals and beyond. Some concepts I learned about through the book are:

  • Habit stacking
  • Principle of least action
  • Ulysses pact
  • Goldilocks rule
  • Aggregation of marginal changes
  • Plateau of latent potential
  • Temptation bundling - making sure to do things we like only as an incentive to things we need to do.

[ 2021 ]

The midnight library - Matt Haig

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Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary

A fictional book on the life of Nora Reed – A lady who got an opportunity to explore lives that she could have lived through a library with a book of regrets that let’s her experience all the “what ifs” she could have taken in her life while she’s in a moment between life and death.

Think again - Adam Grant

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A promised land - Barack Obama

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[ 2020 ]

Art direction on the web - Andy Clarke
Becoming - Michelle Obama
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
It doesn't have to be crazy at work - Jason Fried
Refactoring UI

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Resilient web design - Jeremy Keith

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[ 2019 ]

Rich dad, poor dad
The 21-day financial fast - Michelle Singletary

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We're going to need more wine - Gabrielle Union
The last black unicorn - Tiffany Haddish

[ 2016 ]

Why's poignant guide to Ruby

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Practical Object Oriented Design Ruby (POODR)

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Nice girls don't get rich - Lois P. Frankel

My mom passed down this book to me. While I didn’t see her live by the rules in the book, so far it has helpe me in my marriage to make my wife aware of everything going on in our finances (or at least the core and critical parts).

The Imposter's Handbook - Rob Conery

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[ 2015 ]

You don't know JS - Kyle Simpsons

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This was a good read to solidify my understanding of JS and to fill some knowledge gaps I had.

Rails 4 in action - Ryan Biggs et al

Into my 2nd year writing code in rails, a lot from rails 4 in action helped me understand the reasoning for how rails came about and how to take advantage of it.

[ 2014 ]

The Design of Everyday Things - Don Norman
RiceTea - Julien McArdle

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Genres: Fiction, Computer Hacking

Unfortunately, this book disappeared from the face of earth but it was one of my favorite books at a time when I was fascinated with computer hacking and phreaking. The book is a lot similar to the 1994 movie – Hackers.

Art of Deception - Kevin Mitnick
Art of Intrustion - Kevin Mitnick
Ghost in the wires - Kevin Mitnick

[ Recurring ]

Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics

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Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript

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Cracking the coding interview - Gayle Mcdowell
CSS Secrets - Lea Verou
SVG Animations - Sarah Drasner

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